Your donation is tax deductible through Advancian or NFP Initiatives.
Both organizations act in union to accomplish AdvanCN's social, economic, and political missions.
- NFP Initiatives is an IRS approved 501.c.3 for AdvanCN
- Advancian is a non-profit charitable organization through AdvanCN
Incorporation Information
Legal Name: NFP Initiatives
EIN: 47-4070229
Legal Name: Advancian
EIN: 84-3680510
Articles of Not-For-Profit Incorporation:
NFP Initiatives
File #: 67460332
Date: April 12, 2010
State of Incorporation: IL (Chicago)
Cook County Recorder of Deeds:
Doc# 1011034078
Date: April 20, 2010
Grantee: AdvanCN
Grantor: Illinois Secretary of State
File #: 72566599
Date: November 15th 2019
State of Incorporation: IL
Registered State of Illinois Charitable Fund
Registration #: 01066842 - AdvanCN
Filing Date: September 20th, 2013
Office of the Attorney General
Charitable Trust and Solicitations Bureau
100 West Randolph Street, 11th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601
Website: Charitable Database
Office: (312) 814-2595
Use of Proceeds
Proceeds donated to Advancian or NFP Initiatives (NFPI) will be used for their designated purpose, with no more than 10% of the donation used for general operations, administration, and fundraising.
Right of Proceed Oversight
Donors are granted the irrevocable right of financial oversight and review of financial documents and accounts.
Advancian provides an online real-time financial transparency system, which provides documentation of all vendor contracts, every expense and payment, as well as details of all funds received. Statements of escrow bank holdings are also viewable.
You must be a registered, logged in, donating member to gain access to the Transparency System.
Once registered and your membership status is confirmed, the link to the system is provided in the Member's Account Menu
Contact Us
Should you have any questions, please contact Advancian:
Mail Center: 332 South Michigan Ave., LL-A67
Chicago, IL 60604
Office: (312) 274-5055
Monday - Friday 10AM to 4PM