Advancian - System Core Development Support

Offered by: Advancian
$0.00 each

$94,500,000 FY 2021


For as little as $2 per day, you can support development of the System Core

Transparent governance technology to create equitable monetary 

and compensation systems, legislative systems that help 
people to govern without corruption.

Together, we can right the world.


Foundation Membership   

Foundation Member

Monthly Pledge $60
Annual Pledge  $720

Foundation Hero 

Monthly Pledge $216
Annual Pledge  $2,592

Foundation Angel

Monthly Pledge $425
Annual Pledge  $5,100


Become a Foundation Member
Auto-recurring Donation

Donate Today


Foundation Members ensure the development of the System Core

  • Foundation Members 
    Foundation Members fund planning, development, and international diplomacy efforts to ensure the System Core is implemented. They commit to funding the System Core for a period of not less than 4-years for Phases I – IV (planning, development, and initial testing). And, Opt-in when Phase V Implementation donations are requested. Phase V includes data centers and infrastructure project development for communities and for developing countries to ensure trade relations are maintained with all communities and countries.

    Donation: Minimum of $60 per month or $720 per year

  • Foundation Hero
    Foundation Heros fund planning, development, and international diplomacy efforts to ensure the implementation of the System Core. Heroes commit to funding the System Core for a period of not less than 4-years for Phases I – IV (planning, development, and initial testing). And, opt-in when Phase V Implementation donations are requested. Phase V includes data centers and infrastructure project development for communities and developing countries to ensure trade relations are maintained with all communities and countries.

    Donation: Minimum of $216 per month or $2,592 per year

  • Foundation Angels 
    Foundation Angels commit to funding the System Core for the duration of the project. 
    Foundation Angels help to ensure the System Core is implemented and help to ensure knowledge of the mission is spread throughout the world.

    Donation: Minimum of $435 per month or $5,200 per year

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